How To Make Her WILDLY Attracted To You

Build THESE Masculine Habits & She Will Submit To You.

I look back & cringe when I think about the man boy, I used to be…

A few years ago my life was spiraling out of control.

I had never felt more weak, soft & feminine in my entire life.

At one point I remember my wife looking at me like a WEASEL.

And I thought to myself…

“How do I get her to see me as a KING?”

“How Do I become dominant & get her to freely submit to me?”

I’d literally daydream about, ‘What it would feel like to be THE MAN—
To have my girl in AWE of me. And to see me as TOP G!’

I was LOST.

I didn’t know what to do. 

I had ZERO confidence.

Subsequently, this started to mess with my head in the bedroom…

As a result—

I was literally getting a limp wienie!
But I’ll discuss that in a few minutes…


I searched all over the web for advice on 'how to gain sexual masculine energy' & all I got was things like…

'Talk louder.'
'Stand up taller.'
'Be a gentleman!!'
'Widen your stance.'
'Be more nice & friendly!'
And so I continued to follow this type of advice thinking it would be my saving grace.

…But all it did was make my wife less attracted to my cookie-dough a**.

And the #1 thing that took me overboard was when multiple family members would approach my wife & ask her about my sexuality & if I was straight or not.

Nothing was more humiliating.

I remember my wife got a job working at a hot yoga studio & men would always come in & hit on her.

And NOT just average looking men, I’m talking about athletes, models, CHADS!!

And one time, her co-worker who saw me drop her off at work literally laughed out loud & he said to her...

“That’s your husband? HAHA! You married that guy? You could do WAAAY better.”

Thankfully my wife has always been a good loyal woman & without me even having to ask,
she decided to quit & look for a new job.

At this point in my life, I was so confused & frustrated.

I didn’t know what to do.

All I wanted was to know what it felt like to be truly masculine.

To be a KING in my home.

To have my wife sexually turned on by my presence alone.

I wanted to feel confident—
And to look & feel masculine!

I wanted to be more aggressive & assertive.

To be STOIC!!

I wanted respect in social gatherings.

I wanted to be seen as a REAL MAN.


I’m watching p*rn every night, spilling my seed into some wadded up toilet paper—
While my wife is asleep next to me.

I did this for years.


As the guilt & shame began to weight down on me, I decide to confess everything to her.

I remember it was right after we had 'movie night.'

We were sitting on the couch & I broke.

With tears running down my face & snot oozing from my nostrils, I told her that I hadn't been very honest lately.

And that I have been watching p*rn almost every single night—
Since the night we got married!

...The look of DIGUST on her face tore me apart. 

I felt like the biggest CHUMP on the planet.

We go to bed.

—Obviously she’s hurt by my actions.

But the next day we make an agreement…

She says to me,
“Fine. If you ever feel the need to watch it again—
Let's at least watch it together. I don't like you doing it behind my back."

Not going to lie, this was like music to my ears!

I slowly look at her.

I can't help but crack a smile as my mind starts imagining all the p*rn we could watch together.

That night we begin watching it together.

Then the next night we watch it together.

And the next...

And the next.

Fast forward a couple years & we are both 2 addicts who can't stop watching other people have s*x.

Admittedly, I'm happy she's addicted.

This way I can selfishly continue to feed my addiction!

Things seem to be going great.

I'm getting exactly what I want without the guilt or shame!

Until this happened...

All of the sudden, my wife tells me she doesn't want to watch p*rn anymore.

"WTF!?", I think to myself.

So we stop cold turkey.

As I try to have s*x with her, something TERRIBLE happens...

It's nearly impossible for me to get aroused without watching it.

Resulting in half-chub limpy erections!

Unable to get fully hard unless I've got on my favorite p*rnhub video.

Now my wife is sitting here asking me questions like; "Aren't I good enough?"

I'm ashamed.
I feel useless.

The only time I feel masculine is when I'm in my little fantasy world watching p*rn.

Another couple months goes by.
I'm in the darkest place of my life...

My family & friends think I'm battling with my sexuality & my wife thinks I'm a wimpy, limp dick man-child.


I make up my mind.

"F IT. I'm done! I’m sick of feeling weak & impotent!”

“I’m done with following all the stupid advice on the internet!”

“And I’m done watching p*rn!”

"Time to become a WARRIOR."

Shortly after, my dad got me a book called, 'The four pillars of a mans heart.'

This book was the start of a new chapter in my life.

It was the beginning of my journey to becoming the ultimate king in my home.

The following years I TRANSFORMED my entire life.

I stopped watching ridiculous YouTubers who were giving out cheesy & terrible advice.

And I immersed myself into books & content that would actually help me to embrace my masculinity.

And NOT only that...

I also changed my entire inner circle of friends.

I started to surround myself with like-minded brothers who were on the same mission as me.

I began connecting with mentors who taught me how to SCOOP MY NUTS & be a real man.

I started a monthly men's breakfast with my father to CONNECT with other men & create camaraderie.

And then I took it to the internet by posting weekly YouTube videos—
Resulting in helping over 1 Million men do the EXACT same thing.


Little by little, my life began to finally take shape.

One by one, I started to dominate my goals.

I learned how to weaponize my mind, kill my addictions, & maximize my masculine energy.

Within a couple of months, my wife noticed a HUGE difference in me. 👇 
To be honest with you, it wasn’t an overnight thing.

It took a little time & effort.

But because I was given the right tools, I was able to finally improve.

I remember the day she literally said, “You’re so masculine.”
...Word for word.

WOW, I never thought I’d ever hear those words come out of her mouth.

Day by day, my wife started looking at me differently.

She started to gain a new respect for me.

I could see a desire in her eyes that she never once had for me.

She would get aroused just by the sight of me.

& because I totally removed p*rn from my life, I was able to REWIRE MY MIND.


My erections were back.

I started gaining sexual masculine energy that I've never had before.

I felt like a BEAST.

And now she began to look at me in AWE in the bedroom.

She was literally submitting to me.

And I probably shouldn’t share this on the internet, but ehhh...
Whatever, lol...
It's the absolute truth...

Bre started telling her close friends extremely intricate details about our s*x life & how AMAZING it was.

Admittedly, she even showed 3 of her best friends a picture of my... you know what.

I don't mean to be so explicit—
I'm only telling you this because in that moment she was genuinely proud of me.

(lol, and don't worry, I told her to stop showing her friends those pictures & that they were for her eyes only.)


I have to admit it—
All this attention felt GOOD

Bre couldn't STOP talking about how ATTRACTIVE I was to her friends.

The main discussion at family gatherings were about how much more MATURE I’d become.

Family started to REVERE me.
They started to see me as a MAN, no longer a boy.

It was a WILD feeling.

I finally felt like I had DOMINION over my life.

I felt like a KING.

...And this began to bleed into every other area of my life.


I became an absolute SAVAGE.

Viewers on YouTube had also become amazed at my progress:

I Got What I Wanted...

Now as I sit here & write this I can whole heartedly say…

It feels good to be THE MAN. 👑 

It feels good walking into the room & having my wife freely reach into my pants.

It feels good that my wife wants to flaunt me & other women are actually jealous.

If feels good dominating  the bedroom.

It feels good being respected & looked at as a leader everywhere I go.

In fact, it felt so good that I decided to take all the best knowledge I've learned over the last few years & compiled it into a complete masterclass for you.

No BS. Just straight to the point.

Men from all over the world have taken this masterclass & here's what they've said:

What I Went Through To Develop The Masculine Masterclass...

I’ve spent thousands upon thousands of hours immersing myself into books & content that have helped me become my most-masculine self.

I’ve connected with dozens of the worlds Top Men's Life coaches who have taught me EXACTLY what it means to behave & live your life like a real man.

I’ve boughten & taken courses from the best of the best, so I could equip you with the right tools & knowledge.

Learning how to emit pure masculine energy absolutely changed my life.

And I'm on a mission to help men do the EXACT same.
Think about it, how much better would your life be if you fully embraced your masculinity?

• Imagine the women that would respect you.

• Imagine how much more your girl would revere you & submit to you.

• Imagine her eagerly wanting to satisfy all your sexual needs.

• Imagine your friends & family seeing you as a leader opposed to an NPC.

• Imagine your in-laws literally thanking you for being their daughters husband.

• Imagine becoming the best Husband, Father, Brother, Son you could possibly be.

• Imagine a life that flows a little more effortlessly.

• Imagine your grandkid's kids honoring your name for the empire YOU built.

These things can ONLY be achieved when you fully embrace your masculinity...

When You Embrace Your Masculinity,
Life Just Flows...

Your girl respects you.

She's more attracted to you.

She sees you as a king.

She becomes more submissive.

Her fantasies are fulfilled.

She will become more feminine.

You 10x your sex life.

You build a STRONG family unit.

Your life has more direction.

You get extremely focused.

You defeat doubt.

You aren't confused by cultures trends & media's agendas.

You naturally teach other men & become influential.

People follow you.

You care less of what people think of you.

You become mentally stronger & more aggressive.

You become stoic AF.

You aren't so emotional.

You live purposefully.

You live with honor.

You become a KING. 👑 
What You're Going To Get:
The Masculine Masterclass has ALL the videos you need to embrace your masculinity. 

You're going to get instant access to an entire 5 Hour video course that will walk you through the most critical steps into becoming a masculine man.

Video Course Module:
  • War On Masculinity
  • Defeat P*rn For Good
  • Embrace Masculinity 
  • Build A Masculine Presence
  • Mentality Of Manhood
  • Choosing The Right Woman
  • Dominate The Bedroom [explicit]
  • Daddy Energy
  • *BONUS: Powerful Masculine Habits
  • And More...


1. Guide you to become more masculine

2. Boost your masculine sexual energy

3. Help you perform better in bed

3. Allow you to feel more confident around girls/people

4. Make girls see you as a KING

5. Help you Talk/Walk/Look more masculine

6. Give you the necessary steps to overcome p*rn

7. Expose cultures agenda to destroy masculinity

8. Introduce you to traditional/biblical masculinity

9. Give you drive & laser-focus


1. Self-doubt & feeling of weakness

2. Eliminate all feminine tendencies & characteristics

3. Listening to stupid advice that YouTubers & bloggers constantly feed you

4. Get rid of all the mental effort in reading books & watching hours of misleading content
on how to become “attractive" & "masculine”

5. Sexual performance anxiety

6. Your lustful desire for p*orn

What You're Going To Get:

1. Masculinity 101 Module

Exposing the war on masculinity & how to fight against it.

"A spiritual war is approaching
& your parents didn't prepared you for this. Your teachers didn't prepare you for this.

Media has been feeding you the blue pill & you've been mindlessly consuming it along with all their lies.

In this module I will wake you up & prepare you for the war that lies ahead.

2. Defeating P*rn For Good

In this segment I discuss my wife & I's sexual experiences with P*rn & how it destroyed our sex life.

 I literally can't post this video on my YouTube channel because it's too explicit.
• • •
For 16 years I struggled with a massive p*rn addiction that destroyed my masculinity. 

I spent plenty of my hard earned money buying books & programs from all the top 'gurus', but it always led me back to square 1...

In my bathroom leaning over the toilet with my phone in 1 hand & my pecker in the other.

I became depressed, reclusive, & insecure. I couldn't even get hard during sex because my mind was so distorted by p*rn.

3. Embrace Masculinity

In this module I will give you the tools to fully embrace your masculinity.

What took me years & years to learn, you will receive within 30-minutes of educational content.
• • •
"My journey to becoming more masculine has brought me through many ups & downs.

Throughout this process I've spent thousands & thousands of hours immersing myself into books & content that have helped me become my most-masculine self.

I’ve connected with dozens of the worlds Top Men's Life coaches who have taught me exactly what it means to be a real man.

I’ve boughten & taken courses from the best of the best, so I could equip you with the right tools & knowledge."

4. Build A Masculine Presence

No matter how many videos I searched for online, not 1 single 'guru' or 'influencer' taught me how to actually have a masculine presence.

All I kept hearing was silly stuff like, "Take up space", "Stand up taller", "Speak louder", "Get a nice haircut", "wear a Vincero watch & get 20% off using my code!".

After all these years I realized these guys don't know JACK SQUAT about having real masculine energy.

In this 38-min 3-part video module I break it down quite simply, so you never have to listen to those tricky e-boy halfwits ever again.

5. Mentality Of Manhood

Becoming more masculine starts from the inside out. In other words, your mind.

In this 5-part module I get straight to the point.

I'll discuss how to fully transform your mind as a man.

Your family is 100% relying on you to KEEP IT TOGETHER & LEAD. And it all starts with your mindset.

***I'll also discuss 'The Superhero's Attitude', which is a trick that has helped me through thick & thin. I don't know what I'd do without this simple little hack.

6. Choosing The Right Woman

Choosing the right girl is the most important step on your road to masculinity. Having a queen by your side will multiply your masculinity 10x over.  

She will maximize your role as a man. She will allow you to lead her & be her king.

But the wrong girl will give you hell on earth. She will slice your balls off (metaphorically... & maybe literally). She will compete with you opposed to submit to you.

You could literally do everything I tell you in the masterclass & become your most masculine-self, but the wrong girl can destroy it all.

They have the power to make any man his weakest or his strongest. You want the type that makes you your strongest.

This module will give you a clear understanding of characteristics & traits in a woman that you will want to avoid at all costs.

7. Dominate The Bedroom

Your goal is for your wife to look to you in awe, especially in the bedroom. Right?

THIS will be your guide.

You want your wife to satisfy all your sexual fantasies?

You want her to be infatuated with you & your performance?

Well, I've been able to achieve that.

In this module, I'll take you through the same exact steps that has allowed me to be the king in my chambers.

*And as a BONUS: I will also throw in an additional 3 videos discussing some of my sexual experiences & how I've been able to improve my pleasure in the bedroom.

8. Daddy Energy

'Daddy energy' is more important in a relationship than you will ever know.

This will make your girl see you as the captain. She will begin to submit to you freely. But as a man, you must first show her who is KING.

But this isn't a quick gimmicky 5-step hack, it's a process. In this module I'll teach you everything you need to know to emit true daddy energy.

9. BONUS: Powerful Masculine Habits

I asked my YouTube community, "What is the #1 thing you need most help with on your journey to becoming more masculine?"

I answered the top 11 most asked questions:

• How To Get Over Your Ex
• How Teens Can Embrace Their Masculinity
• How To Destroy Depression
• How To Stand Up For Yourself
• How To Deal With Loneliness
• How To Keep Composure
• How To Win Arguments Like A Top G
• How To Make More Money
• How To Be More Confident
• How To Approach Girls Like a King
• How To Boost Your Testosterone

Put Into Perspective...

Developing masculine characteristics & values took me a VERY long time. Years & years of my life.

So rather than you spending the next decade listening to stupid cliché advice on the internet that will just lead you astray...
You get everything I learned in 5-hours.

Remember, I went through a lot of pain trying to figure out what TO DO & what NOT TO DO.
Look at it this way...

My mentors typically charge anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000 to attend their 3-day long men's seminar,
I'm bundling all the SAME EXACT information for just $47

I will literally teach you the SAME EXACT things & give you the SAME value (& more) that you'd learn from the top experts in the world.

How do I know this?

Because I've attended dozens of these seminars. I've read their books over & over.
I've became friends & have chatted with them personally. I've invested all the time & money so you don't have to.

So I will literally be saving you tens of thousands of dollars & countless hours of your time.
That's EXTREMELY VALUABLE if you expect to become successful & value your time highly.

This means that you will become your most masculine self way faster than it took me.

• • •


Most of my friends I grew up with are either in a terrible marriage that they wish they could get out of
or they are still single & completely lost, confused, & addicted.
Constantly getting cheated on & have no direction in their life. Feeling emasculated.

But as for me...

I'm ecstatically married, my wife literally fulfills all my sexual fantasies as often as I'd like, I make great money, I've got status, I have a major influence online, my friends all look to me as a mentor, I have goals & milestones I'm constantly hitting, I defeated my addictions, & I have a strong relationship with God that guides my every day life.

My cup runneth over...
All because I've fully embraced my masculinity.

And with all honesty, I can truly say... it feels very good bro.

My only goal now is for you to experience this too.
You ready yet?

You've Got 2 Choices

You could either go on with your life, spend the next handful of years trying to figure out what it means to be a real man.

Watching lame YouTubers who keep giving the same stupid cliché advice, trying to explain what masculinity is but continue to lead you astray... You could keep reading those boring books that literally teach you what you already know.


You can choose to take this leap of faith & embrace your masculinity in the most powerful way possible.
Do You Offer Refunds?
A marketing agency suggested I have a refund policy.

They said to, "offer a 7-day refund policy, so if it's not a fit, people can get their money back. This way, they have nothing to be afraid of & they are more likely to buy!"

From a marketing point of view that makes sense.
From a sales point of view that makes sense...

But I’m not a marketer.
And I’m not a salesperson.

I'm a coach.

And I'm not here to make things easy or less scary for you just so I can get an 'extra sale.'

I don't want people to 'have nothing to be afraid of'.



Because Real Transformation is scary.

It's NOT easy to become your greatest self.
If it was, everyone would be great!

If you want to truly transform your life & become more masculine,

No relying on a 'refund' to save your ass when times get tough.

Listen bro, this course has been 100% proven to give you results.
You just need to commit & do the work.

It would be extremely unfair for someone to come in & collect all the knowledge that took me years to accumulate & claim a refund.

I only want members who are COMMITTED & who already know my advice on YouTube is life-changing to join.

So to answer your question if I give refunds...

Copyright Dre Drexler LLC 2024. All rights reserved